Agent Quill


Direct mail is back in the spotlight, and it’s shaking things up in the marketing world! In the second part of our series, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of direct mail’s psychological impact on consumers. It’s time to explore why people from all generations continue to be captivated by direct mail in this digital age.

The Physicality Factor: Neurological Response Galore

You can’t touch or feel an email, but a well-designed direct mail piece creates a tangible connection with the recipient. Studies have shown that direct mail pieces can stimulate a powerful neurological response that influences purchasing decisions. As humans, our instincts are wired to respond to touch, and direct mail certainly knows how to tug at those sensory heartstrings.

Easy on the Brain: Direct Mail vs. Digital Counterparts

Canada Post reports that it takes 21% less cognitive effort for consumers to process direct mail pieces compared to their digital counterparts. In simpler terms, direct mail is like a refreshing sip of water in a desert of complicated digital content. With less mental strain, direct mail has a higher chance of sticking in people’s minds and promoting brand recall.

Less Time-Consuming: An Attention-Grabbing Boon

Nobody has the time to sit and read through pages of text online. Direct mail is straightforward, easy to consume, and gets straight to the point without the fluff. No wonder it’s still holding the attention of busy consumers in 2023!

Check out how we hold peoples’ attention with our newest pieces in the Example Library on the site.

Emotionally Engaging: Royal Mail Marketreach Findings

A study by Royal Mail Marketreach found that effective direct mail can generate positive emotional responses. A whopping 66% of respondents found it an appropriate way to be informed, while 48% felt it was relevant to them. It’s like receiving a warm hug from your marketing campaign – how can you resist?


By appealing to our senses and emotions, direct mail marketing remains an effective tool for creating memorable connections with consumers. Its simplicity and tangibility set it apart from the digital noise, and its powerful psychological impact is hard to ignore. So, why not tap into the potential of direct mail in 2023? With a bit of help from experts like Agent Quill, you’ll be well on your way to making lasting impressions on your audience. Stay tuned for the third part of our series to discover even more insights into the world of direct mail!

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