Agent Quill

A6 Envelope (Handwritten) and Card Insert (Handwritten)

Our A6 Envelope Handwritten Addressed and Card Insert Handwritten package delivers Secret Agent-level tactics at an affordable price, starting at just $1.22 per piece plus sales tax (printed and mailed to customers for you). Contact us to shake up your marketing strategy with our high-quality direct mail campaigns that deliver results.

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$1.24 before tax


Our A6 Envelope Handwritten Addressed and Card Insert Handwritten has a starting price of just $1.22 per piece plus sales tax (printed and mailed to customers for you). This envelope and letter package is perfect for businesses looking to make a big impact with their direct mail campaigns without breaking the bank.

Our A6 envelopes are handwritten with your customers’ addresses and your return address. With multiple postage options, you can be sure that your mailings will be delivered on time and within budget.

Maximum of 4 drops per 5,000 mailers in a month when paid for in one payment unless the total amount is less than 4,000 pieces total paid for in one month which may be dropped 500-1,000 pieces at a time with one drop occurring weekly. Each additional requested drop per month is $32. Minimum amount of pieces is 500 per single drop of mailers.

But that’s not all – our Card Insert is Handwritten with up to 250 words and is designed to grab your recipients’ attention and deliver your message in a clear and compelling way. With our team of creative operatives, you can customize the card to match your branded logo, colors and tailor the text content, offer and call-to-action messaging to your target audience.

At Agent Quill, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality direct mail campaigns that get results. With this package, you’ll receive Secret Agent-level tactics at an affordable price, allowing you to shake up your marketing strategy and take your business to the next level. Add this to your cart, hit the checkout button and we’ll work with you to get started on your customized direct mail mission!

Have a questions? Reach out to our operatives!

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A6 Envelope Handwritten Addressed

Card Insert

Card Insert Handwritten up to 250 words


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